How to make a cat-proof balcony

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A balcony is an excellent place for your cat: cats love outdoor space, fresh air, playing, sunbathing, and people-watching. But for your cat to do all these activities, you need to have a cat-safe balcony. So, you should be interested how to make a cat-proof balcony.

Is it safe for a cat to be on a balcony?

The main concern with letting your feline friend onto a balcony is safety, especially if you live higher than the second floor. It is safe for your cat to be on a balcony once you’ve made sure that your balcony is a safe place.

Are cats smart enough to not jump off a balcony?

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Unfortunately, leaving your window open while your cat is on the balcony is not a good idea. Cats are naturally very adventurous, and they love jumping from high places. Usually, cats don’t jump off balconies but are trying to catch something when they lose their balance or miss their aim and fall.

Will a cat jump off a high balcony?

When the weather gets warmer, the cases of high-rise syndrome become more frequent. It is a term that was introduced during the 1980s when the Animal Medical Center in New York City had to treat over one hundred cats that had fallen out of balconies during a five-month warm period of a year.

Cats love seat in high places, and they don’t understand that it can lead to a dangerous situation because they don’t have a fear of heights. They jump off high balconies rather often while hunting a bird or being scared by the noise, or even rolling off a balcony railing while asleep.

Cats can cling to trees with their claws, but they can’t cling as easily to slippery surfaces of a balcony railing or a window ledge, which unfortunately allows them to easily slip off and fall.

Many people think that cats always land on their feet. Cats’ reflexes allow them to land on their feet even if they fall from a height higher than two feet. If a cat falls from the first or the second floor, it will most likely land on its feet, but there is a possibility of an injury.

If cats fall from an even higher height, they spread out in the flying squirrel position, which can slow the speed of the fall. If a cat survives this fall, they are very likely to get an injury. And there’s a chance that a cat will not survive a high-rise fall at all.

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How to prevent this syndrome?

First of all, your windows need to be very well secured.

If you don’t have screens on your windows, it’s better to close them when your cat is in that room or on the balcony.

If you need to open the window, and it’s double-hung, open the top part instead of the bottom one.

When you need your window to be wide open, do not allow your cat near it. You can close the door to that room and let your cat stay in other rooms for some time.

Make sure that there are no wide gaps around your window air conditioning unit. Cats can squeeze through the smallest spaces, even if you don’t think it’s possible.

How do I stop my cat from jumping on my balcony?

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If you don’t want your feline friend jumping off your balcony, you need to make a cat-proof balcony. There’s no one solution for cat proof balcony that will be suitable for everyone. There are a lot of aspects that you need to think about. Firstly, you have to understand a few significant considerations for making a cat-safe space.

What to consider for a cat-proof balcony?

The balcony itself. You have to think about the type of balcony that you have. It is generally easier to set up a covered balcony than an uncovered one. The best option for an uncovered balcony is to keep your cat inside and don’t let them on the balcony.

How much balcony space do you have? You might need a bit more investment and creativity if your balcony is small. Smaller balconies are good for using vertical space for your cat to climb.

What is your budget? If you can spend a good amount of money on this project, you can afford some custom structures out of nice materials. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a cat-proof balcony, but with a smaller sum of money, you can get something simpler.

Renter or Homeowner Association restrictions. You will probably need to do some renovations to cat-proof a balcony. It can require drilling some holes or installing something, and you will have to talk to your tenant about what you’re allowed to do.

Some HOA regulations can also prohibit making some things on your balcony. You will also have to check these agreements to see if you can make certain changes.

Is this a temporary or a permanent resolution? Think about whether you want your feline friend to visit the balcony whenever they want, or if they will only be allowed there when you’re on the balcony. If you choose the second option, some temporary solutions, like a folding screen, can be a perfect fit.

How to make a cat-proof balcony

After learning everything about what you can do to your balcony and why you need it, it is time to cat-proof a balcony. This article will suggest to you a lot of ideas for how to cat-proof a balcony.

Plexiglass panels

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These panels can be a good basis for your balcony because they can ensure a reliable barrier. To install them, you need to drill some holes in the panels and zip-tie them to your railing. There are some options with less amount of work, but it is still not a very hard project.

It is easier to attach the plexiglass panels to a metal railing than to a solid wall. It is also better for covered balconies because you will have two points of attachment.

Furniture placement

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One of the easiest and cheapest solutions for how to cat-proof your apartment balcony is to move around your furniture. It is a little harder to make a balcony safe for cats than for dogs because cats are quicker and jumpier than dogs.

You need to keep taller pieces of furniture away from the railings. And objects like chairs, tables, and sofas are perfect for a cat to jump and rest on them. You also might consider folding furniture for a smaller space or more convenience – you can always fold it and store it away when you don’t need them.

Bamboo or reed fence

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A fence is a practical addition to your balcony railing or wall. The fence will make it taller and your cat won’t jump over it. A reed fence can block your view, but it can also gain you some privacy and make your cat safe on the balcony.

This fence can work fine on uncovered and covered balconies if the fence is tall enough. You can attach it to the railing using zip ties, but it won’t work for a wall. You can use adhesive hooks and zip-tie your fence to them.

Cat-friendly plants

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Cats love playing with plants, and sometimes they can try to eat them. A cat-proof balcony includes making sure your feline friend is safe in ways other than stopping them from escaping. If you have or want to have a plant on your balcony, you need to make sure they are not toxic. Some safe options are:

  • Asters
  • Catnip
  • Cat grass
  • Maiden grass
  • Lemongrass
  • Sunflowers
  • Spider plant
  • Valerian
  • Wheatgrass

Most cats especially love catnip or cat grass, so they will make your apartment balcony even more appealing to them.

You can even make a grass bed for your cat – just put an actual plot of grass on the floor, and they will probably like this new playground.

There are also some plants that you need to completely avoid because they’re poisonous to cats:

  • Aloe vera plant
  • English Ivy
  • Jade plant
  • Lilies
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes

Cat-unfriendly plants

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You can also use some plants to stop your cat from going near some things. It doesn’t include toxic or poisonous plants, they are just too smelly but perfectly safe for a cat’s health. For example, lavender, rosemary, and a curry plant. Cats hate their smell, so these plants can work perfectly as deterrents for cat-proofing the balcony.

Stop your cat from getting on the railing

Railings are a very dangerous place for your feline friends. The easiest ways to stop your cat from jumping on a railing are cat or bird spikes. They do not look very friendly, but it’s one of the most effective ways how to cat-proof a balcony.

Plastic spikes are completely safe. They can be a little bit uncomfortable, but they will stop the cat from sitting on the railing.

Balcony netting

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Balcony netting is a very effective option. Unlike plexiglass, it’s easy to put up or take down, and you can just use hooks for it. Netting also often comes with extra details for netting securely. Also, any other railing netting can work fine.

This option will work best on covered balconies, so you can just hang the netting from the roof. For uncovered balconies, you can use fences or other rigid structures to help you set the netting up.

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Balcony enclosure

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One of the best options for how to cat-proof your balcony is to completely enclose it. A balcony enclosure insures your cat’s safety and provides their own outdoor space.

You can also set up a rigid screen, which can be described as a safety net on a frame. It can work for both covered and uncovered balconies, but it will take more time to set it up on an uncovered balcony. Some serious renovations might be needed, so it might not be suitable for renters.

But remember that your cat still needs a peek-through spot to look at birds or other animals outside. Make a small place where your cat will be able to watch everything, but don’t make it too big for your cat to escape.

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Cat-friendly furnishings

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Another good idea for how to cat-proof a balcony is giving your cat a lot of soft and comfortable places to sleep, relax and enjoy the fresh air.

You can also add some pillows and blankets and place them under the sun. This will offer your cat some encouragement to lay on the soft fabrics and not try to escape the balcony.

An outdoor rug is also a way to bring your cat more comfort. There are some things you need to remember when choosing a rug:

Stay away from artificial grass or plastic mats.

There is a chance that your cat will chew on it, so make sure there are no plastic particles in your rug.

Don’t spend too much money on a rug – your cat will probably chew and dig nails into it.

Make a catio

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A catio is a cat condo. It can be described as a small enclosed area that is made specifically for one or more cats. This could be a great idea, especially if you have a budget or more than one cat.

If you have a cat flap in your balcony door, it can be pretty easy to do. You can make any kind of netted enclosure. Make this area accessible for your cat, add some places to sleep and eat, a litter tray, and toys, and your furry friend will stay there forever.

There’s no need to make a big construction, especially if you don’t have a lot of space. Just make it big enough for your cat to move around comfortably.

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Provide a human contact

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While cats like to be alone, don’t forget that once you and your cat choose each other, your furry friend will want to be by your side all the time. Cats like to follow their humans around and watch what they’re doing. Don’t forget to visit your cat on a balcony and give them some attention – if you’re doing everything right, your cat will feel the safest around you.


1. How do I cat-proof my balcony?

Cats are agile animals and love to explore their surroundings, so it’s important to make sure your balcony is safe and secure for them.

Here are some tips on how to cat-proof your balcony: install a sturdy railing or barrier around the balcony, check for any gaps or holes, use planters with sturdy plants, avoid leaving furniture near the edge, provide your cat with toys and entertainment.

By following these tips, you can create a safe and enjoyable space for your cat on your balcony.

2. How do you cat-proof a balcony without drilling?

If you don’t want to drill into your balcony, there are still some options to cat-proof it. Here are a few suggestions: use freestanding barriers, use adhesive strips, use plants, use furniture, provide supervision.

While drilling may be the most secure option, these alternatives can still help cat-proof your balcony and provide a safe space for your furry friend.

3. Can cats be trusted on balconies?

While cats can certainly enjoy spending time on a balcony, they should never be left unsupervised or trusted completely on a balcony. Cats are curious and agile animals, and accidents can happen if they are not properly supervised.

Cats can easily slip through gaps in balcony railings, jump over low barriers, or climb onto dangerous areas such as ledges or roof edges. They can also be startled by loud noises or sudden movements and may try to jump or flee in a panic, putting themselves at risk.

4. Will my cat jump off the balcony?

It’s possible that a cat may jump off a balcony, especially if they are young, curious, or easily frightened. Cats are known for their agility and love to explore their surroundings, which can put them at risk on a balcony.

Cats can misjudge distances or jump in a panic if they are startled, putting them in danger of falling from a balcony. In addition, cats can easily slip through gaps in balcony railings or climb onto dangerous areas such as ledges or roof edges.


These ideas will help you to design a cat-safe balcony for your furry friend. You need to remember that cat-proofing your balcony is not only about your cat’s safety, but also about your cat’s comfort. Having access to a safe outdoor space is an important aspect of a happy cat. If you dream of creating a cozy indoor balcony, read our article.

Jessica Kane

I’m interested in interior design, and especially solutions for small spaces. My motto is “small is beautiful”. I studied urban design at University and now work in urban planning.

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