How to keep birds off balcony if you are too irritated

How to keep birds off balcony
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There are a variety of reasons you might prefer to deter birds over attract them. Instead of discussing what occurs at the bird feeder in this piece, let’s focus on what takes place nearby. You might not be happy to see too many birds on your front steps, pool, deck, balcony, or gazebo.

Few things are worse than having bird droppings all over your deck or porch. It’s never permanent to chase them away by walking outside. They continually return, showing off their feathered behinds to make fun of you.

So, that’s it.

What can I use to keep birds off my balcony?

Today, you will learn a ton of strategies for keeping birds away from your porch, as well as how to make their visit unpleasant if they do decide to take the chance.

I am aware that it has been challenging; regularly picking up bird poop is not simple. But if you persisted through that, you can now take the time to put these suggestions into practice and keep the birds away permanently!

How to keep birds off balcony

How to keep birds off balcony
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It can be challenging to come up with bird-repelling strategies. There isn’t a good, universal answer. The most widely used techniques include;

  • removing debris from the region
  • positioning your bird feeders wisely
  • spiked birds
  • pretend predators
  • electronic deterrents (making noise to disturb them)
  • sprinklers with motion detection
  • reflective elements

Birds that cause problems: certain types

Any bird has the potential to cause problems if it chooses to occupy the incorrect space or appears in big numbers. However, pigeons, starlings, blackbirds, grackles, and house sparrows are frequently the worst offenders.

This is frequently due to the fact that these birds in particular, which may assemble in great numbers and dwell close to people, have adapted to urban areas. Let’s learn how to keep birds off balcony.


How to keep birds off balcony
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The primary issue with huge pigeon flocks is the waste they leave behind. Birds seem to prefer ledges, balconies, and other man-made structures. And they do a lot of poop. Contact with their excrement or even the dust that forms after the droppings have dried can spread dangerous bacteria and fungi.

Any bird has the potential to cause problems if it chooses to occupy the incorrect space or appears in big numbers. However, pigeons, starlings, blackbirds, grackles, and house sparrows are frequently the worst offenders.

This is frequently due to the fact that these birds in particular, which may assemble in great numbers and dwell close to people, have adapted to urban areas.

How to keep birds off balcony if you are too irritated. You will find cool tips on how to easily get rid of annoyed birds on your balcony.

Grackles, blackbirds, and starlings

How to keep birds off balcony
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Although starlings are invasive in the United States, they can still be an annoyance where they live. They can group together in enormous flocks, which can be very noisy. The likelihood of more appearing in your yard increases if one first appears. Even small groups of birds can consume all of your bird seed, intimidate smaller birds, and leave poop all over the place.

House sparrows

How to keep birds off balcony
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Another non-native species that is frequently regarded as a nuisance is the house sparrow. They have a great deal of urban acculturation and feel at ease around people. This can cause issues in your yard.

They frequently create nests in difficult locations such as porch overhangs, awnings, louvered attic windows, behind window air conditioners (this actually happened to me! ), dryer and fan vents, and awnings.

What can I use to keep the birds away?

How to keep birds off balcony
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You can start with a simple thing that is light. It should be as much annoying as it can be.

You will discover a ton of methods for deterring birds from visiting your porch today, as well as how to make their visit unpleasant if they do decide to take the risk.

I am aware that it has been difficult; clearing up bird excrement on a regular basis is not easy. Nevertheless, if you persisted, you may now take the opportunity to put these recommendations into action and keep the birds away for good!

Reflective tape

How to keep birds off balcony
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This tape is noisy in the wind, metallic, and extremely glossy. It can be strung out like garland or streamers, or you can hang sections of it like ornaments. Although it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing, it can still be pretty effective because it offers both a visual and aural deterrent. A deterrent has a better probability of working if it contains more stimuli.


How to keep birds off balcony
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Do you use online music streaming services, and as a result, do you have an excess of old CDs lying around collecting dust? Me too. Give them a new use by using them to deter birds. When hung on wire or string, they can twist and turn and are shiny.


How to keep birds off balcony
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You can hang them, support them on your porch railing, or fasten them to your siding if you can find a lot of mirrors. They accomplish the same thing by reflecting sunlight. Not to mention that a bird may decide not to return if it sees its reflection because it may perceive it as a potential rival.

This approach might have a really cool aesthetic and be one of the more eye-catching choices if you can find cool frames.

Noises – scare birds

Since visual stimuli are typically more dominant than audible ones, noises might not be as a deterrent as reflective light or decoys, but that doesn’t mean they should be disregarded! When no threat is really felt, noises can be simple to ignore on their own.

However, combining an obtrusive sound with an obtrusive light is just extremely agitating and significantly improves your chances of getting rid of those bothersome poppers.

Wind chimes

Although wind chimes have a pleasant sound to us, birds might be startled by sudden noise bursts. Change the wind chimes occasionally for various sounds, and relocate them, to keep this stimulus fresh. Another alternative to stop birds nesting or pooping on your balcony!

Tin cans

How to keep birds off balcony
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Tin cans clinking has the same effect as wind chimes in that they bother birds and, when timed correctly, can startle them. If you want to use them, they will probably be a do-it-yourself project. If you have kids, this can be enjoyable to do.

They can be beautifully customized, decorated, and used as a fun gallery for your children’s artwork. Those birds are not frightened by the pictures on the fridge! Tin cans are the new refrigerator art.


Decoys of potential predators can be placed outside to frighten birds away. One choice is to place statues of raptors like hawks or owls, as well as reptiles, foxes, or cats. Install these to the deck railing or suspend them (hang the birds, it makes more sense than a hanging fox.)

Make sure to have some variability if you choose this course of action. Once the annoying birds understand they are not in any real danger, they will eventually become accustomed to the decoys. Move your decoy to various locations and cycle through them to prevent being complacent.

To make your yard appear dangerous, you might purchase a phony decoy and set it out in the open to scare birds. Reviews of imitation predators like this one are conflicting.

They frequently initially work, but when the birds realize the owl is a fake, they start to work less and less with wild birds.

To aid with this, you might try shifting the owl’s location occasionally across your yard. Alternately, utilize an owl as a backup strategy in addition to another deterrent.

Predator’s eyes

How to keep birds off balcony
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Also, “predator’s eyes” are available. These are inflated “balloons” (similar to beach balls) with designs that resemble a predator’s open mouth or big eyes to birds.

Unbelievable as it may seem, these work wonders for some folks. They can be suspended from trees, boat masts, gazebos, wide doors, etc. Even someone who put them in their pool to deter ducks was mentioned in online retailer’s reviews.


No one enjoys smelly things. If there are unpleasant smells entering their nostrils, there’s a chance the birds harassing you won’t stay. You can either purchase or manufacture your own bird deterrent. Simply remember to reapply the sprays once a week, or after it rains.

  • Citrus
How to keep birds off balcony
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Your porch will smell lovely for a while and the birds will stay away if you mix lemon juice and water. Lemon slices can also be spread out as an addition to this.

  • Garlic
How to keep birds off balcony
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It appears that garlic has uses beyond vampires. Add several crushed garlic cloves to the olive oil. Spray the mixture wherever the birds are after letting it sit in the refrigerator for a few days.

  • Cayenne pepper
How to keep birds off balcony

Another remedy that can be used is combining vinegar and water with chili pepper. The birds won’t be harmed, but it will disgust them enough that they won’t bother you.

How can I prevent them from building a nest on my porch?

How to keep birds off balcony
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All of the aforementioned precautions prevent birds from perching on your deck rails, which should prevent them from constructing nests.

However, you’ll need to take more preventative measures if you’ve had nests in the past or wish to prevent nests in the future.

Keep in mind that it is prohibited to destroy active nests for many species, including songbirds. Once they’ve established a home there, you cannot enter (and the fines are hefty.) Thus, early prevention is crucial!

Remove all the places for nesting

If there are any cracks or holes, fill them in to prevent birds from getting inside. Regardless of how big or small they are, cover them all. A bird doesn’t need much room to set up a nest or wedge its way inside. Copper mesh balls are available that are created expressly to be stuffed into holes to keep birds out.

Make sure you do not have debris in your yard or on the balcony. Fruit trees are nice, but we do not want the pesky birds irritating you since the early morning there.

Bird feeders placement

How to keep birds off balcony
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Are the undesirable birds in your yard attracted to the birdseed you have? If this is what draws them in, you should think about where to put your feeder. Maintain the feeders well away from any areas you want to keep bird-free.

If you want to keep birds off of your backyard patio, for instance, try placing your feeder in the front yard or on the side of your house.

If you can’t move them far enough away to keep bird traffic away from your area of concern, think about taking them down entirely for a while until the pest birds stop coming, then putting them back out. This might be sufficient to break their habit of visiting your yard.

Or, try a type of food that they don’t like. For example, house sparrows won’t be very interested in suet.

Bird netting

How to keep birds off balcony
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Bird netting comes in a variety of shapes and constructions, so pay attention. To keep everyone out, you’ll need some sort of net with a tiny hole in it. This netting can be used to block off your gutters and eaves.

Bird netting will make it much simpler to prevent nests from forming in these potentially challenging locations. Make sure no birds have gotten through during the first few days after installation because they will find it extremely difficult to get out!

Bird spikes

How to keep birds off balcony
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Bird spikes are strips of metal or plastic that have several sharp, upward-pointing spikes on them. They can be fastened to trouble spots such as awnings, gutters, chimneys, roofs, window sills, rafters, and deck/balcony railings.

Install bird spikes and the birds won’t have enough area to land because of how closely spaced the spikes are. If you have a problem area where birds frequently land, sit, and poop, this can be extremely useful.

Bird spikes are an excellent way to stop birds from establishing nests in undesirable locations. Birds spikes are also referred to as roost modification or anti-roosting spikes.

They are essentially several-inch-wide and numerous-foot-long strips of bird spikes that are intended to scare wild birds from landing or building nests.

There are many various fashions of bird spikes, some low-key and some slightly more aggressive. Whether you’re installing them on the top of light fixtures or the deck railing, you can adjust the length to fit the surface. Thus, installing bird spikes can repel birds from your balcony!

Liquid bird repellent

Biodegradable bird repellent is sold now online. The new formula helps to keep the birds away. Feedback from users of bird repellent is questionable, though: some people say it is effective, but others say bird repellent is not that effective to prevent birds.

Remember the rules about wild birds

Damage, relocation, or destruction of active nests is prohibited by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act without a permit. Active denotes the presence of eggs or young. A nest that is being built before eggs are laid is not active and can be taken out.

How to keep birds off balcony
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You may find the whole list of the hundreds of species that this Act protects on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website. Non-native species such as the European Starling and House Sparrow are examples of those that are not protected. No matter if there are eggs or young inside, their nests might be destroyed. Just keep in mind to be kind and humane.


How do I keep birds from pooping on my balcony?

To prevent birds from pooping on your balcony, try using visual deterrents such as hanging shiny objects or strips of reflective tape that move in the wind.

Additionally, install physical barriers like bird netting or wire mesh to block their access to your balcony. Lastly, keep the balcony clean and free of food sources that may attract birds, as removing their food incentives can discourage them from frequenting the area.

How do I keep birds off my balcony DIY?

To keep birds off your balcony with a do-it-yourself approach, try placing objects that create noise or movement, such as wind chimes, aluminum cans, or pinwheels.

Another effective method is to hang visual deterrents like old CDs, reflective tape, or scare balloons that mimic predators. Additionally, consider installing a bird feeder or birdbath away from your balcony to redirect their attention to a different area.

How do I protect my balcony from pigeons?

To protect your balcony from pigeons, consider installing bird spikes or bird netting along the edges and openings to prevent them from landing or entering. Make sure there are no food sources available, as pigeons are attracted to easily accessible food. Keeping the area clean and free of crumbs or debris will discourage their presence.

What is the best bird deterrent for balcony?

One highly effective bird deterrent for balconies is bird spikes. They create an uncomfortable surface for birds to land on, discouraging them from perching or nesting. Another effective option is bird netting, which physically blocks birds from accessing the balcony area altogether.


In conclusion, there are many ways to repel birds from nesting or pooping on your balcony. Whether it is a fake owl or a bird repellent you try, remember that when birds believe your yard is the ideal place for them, they can be annoying and persistent. But you can find solutions to lessen undesirable activities with some trial and error—and even a little creative thinking.

Try to keep in mind to be impressed by their creativity and adaptability amid the annoyance. We are just trying to live in peace with each other; they aren’t evil intruders in our personal space. We hope that this article helped you to learn how to keep birds off balcony. Learn about balcony privacy plants from the new article.

Jessica Kane

I’m interested in interior design, and especially solutions for small spaces. My motto is “small is beautiful”. I studied urban design at University and now work in urban planning.

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